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1.We can watch Beijing Opera in ___________ .

A. Red Star Theater   B. Blue Sea Hotel   C. City Clothes Center   D. People’s Park

2.We can enjoy food in the restaurant in Blue Sea Hotel _______.

A. from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.   B. only at night

C. only in the daytime   D. at any time

3.The clothes are for the____________ in New Clothes Month .

A. women   B. men   C. children   D. young people

4.They hold the food festival to raise money to _______.

A. help sick children   B. plant more trees

C. help blind people   D. buy books for poor kids

5.Which one is TRUE?

A. The tickets to Beijing Opera are free .

B. A single room in Blue Sea Hotel costs ¥300 every night .

C. All the clothes are over ¥100 in New Clothes Month .

D. The food festival will last about a month .

