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Nick likes sports. He _1___basketball every afternoon. He has a brother. __2__name is Bob. Bob __3_playing sports, but he likes sports show(节目).He _4__TV every evening. ___5__like French fries, and they often eat them. But French fries are _6__healthy. __7__boys and girls like ice cream, but they don’t like __8__. ___9__do they like? They like fruit. Nick likes apples and Bob likes __10__.

1. A. play        B. plays       C. to play

2.A. Her        B. My        C. His

3. A. doesn’t like  B. likes       C. don’t like

4. A. looks       B. watches    C. looks for

5. A. Bob        B. Nick       C. Nick and Bob

6. A. no         B. not         C. /

7. A. Many      B. Every       C. That

8. A. them       B. it          C. these

9. A. What       B. How        C. Where

10. A. eggs       B. chicken     C. strawberries

