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Mr Johnson worked in a hospital. Three years ago, when he was sixty-eight ,he retired. But a lot of people came to ask him to look them over .(检查)He was busy in the daytime and he wanted to have a good rest at night.

Half a year ago a young man moved in the room upstairs, At first he was quiet. The old man was satisfied with him. Then he had several friends. They often came to see him in the evening. They talked loudly ,sang and danced. Mr Johnson was unhappy ,but he was a polite man and sometimes he hinted(暗示)to the young man ,but the young man seemed that he didn’t understand it. The old man could’t say anything.

It was the young man’s birthday yesterday. All his friends came at seven in the evening. They drank too much and made a lot of noise .The old man couldn’t fall asleep the whole night . The next morning ,as soon as he got up ,he went upstairs and began to knock at the door. The young man opened it for him and asked him to go in.

“Did you hear me beat the ceiling(天花板) last night, young man ? ” asked Mr Johnson.

“It doesn’t matter ,sir ,”said the young man .“I don’t mind it. It was very noisy in my room, too.”

1.A lot of people came to ask Mr Johnson to look them over because________

A.he was kind to them        B.he was very polite

C.they didn’t pay him for it   D.his skill(技术) was good

2.Mr. Johnson was _________  last night .

A.angry    B.happy       C.excited    D.strange

3.The young man didn’t know __________________

A.what the old man was

B.how long they played that night

C.why Mr. Johnson beat the ceiling

D.if they enjoyed themselves that night

4.In Chinese, the word “beat ”in the story means___________

A.赢     B.敲      C.搅拌     D.难倒

5.Which of the following is true?

A.The young man thought M r Johnson came to say sorry to him

B.Mr Johnson wanted to drink with the young man

C.Mr Johnson wanted the young man to moved in another house

D.The young man was afraid to meet Mr Johnson

