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B. Choose the words and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词完成短文)

There's a hotel in northern Sweden. It is _______. It's open only from the middle of December to late April. The name of the hotel is the Ice Hotel. The hotel is completely made _______ ice and snow. Every year, more and more visitors want to stay at this very cold hotel.

In the first year, the Ice Hotel had _______ one room. Now the hotel has 37 rooms and 6,500 overnight guests every year. The hotel has a reception desk, a main hall, a cinema, and hotel rooms. There's an ice _______ for weddings(婚礼), too!

In early October, artists and workers prepare the hotel. They use _______ snow equipment(设备)to prepare snow and ice. In November, builders bring ice from a very clean river. In December, the outside part of the hotel is finished.

The rooms are _______ as there are no telephones and no televisions. The Ice Hotel visitors can use computers to send e-mail messages to friends and family.

In late April, the last guests leave the hotel. The weather becomes warmer, and the beautiful lee Hotel begins to melt. In June, the Ice Hotel is a water hotel.

1.A.crowded B.large C.unusual D.busy

2.A.of B.up C.into D.from

3.A.only B.really C.also D.about

4.A.school B.church C.shop D.station

5.A.simple B.strange C.ordinary D.special

6.A.bright B.large C.quiet D.noisy

