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It’s spring in Southern California, when leaving the house means getting faced with the sweet smell of flowers. It’s also wildflower season, and thanks to some nice rains, we’re surrounded by super flowers. It got me thinking about the one sense, and thanks to some nice rains, we’re surrounded by super flowers. It’s also wildflower season, and thanks to some nice rains, we’re surrounded by super flowers. It got me thinking about the one sense I usually take for granted: Smell. And that’s especially true when it comes to teaching my child about the world.

There are some blocks and toy cars for touching, learning and body development. The toys are mainly mirrors, lights, things that make noise. Through these, children are introduced to materials, sights, and sounds. We also offer out children a daily touching of flavors and tastes. But how can we teach smell? Out of all the senses, smell is most closely linked with memory, but it’s the one I often forget in my own life unless I’m faced with it – the sweet orange flowers of spring, the movie popcorn smell that remains on my clothes after I leave the theater, the sharp smell of onions, or the carpets in a house where someone smoked for decades.

I want to develop that sense more for myself, but also want to cultivate(培养) it in my child too. So last weekend I took my son on a smelly walk, and we walked around the neighborhood for flowers to experience and discuss. He’s only 2.5 years old, so I still have to remind him to smell by sucking the air in through his nose, not blowing the air out like a dragon. And it actually went really well! I think nest time we might walk through my training: Smells “cozy.” Smells “like morning.” Smells “like grandpa.” (Grandpa lives in Ohio and we haven’t seen him in more than a year, so I don’t know what this means.)…

1.What does the author usually take for granted?

A.The timely rains. B.The sense of taste.

C.The sense of smell. D.The knowledge about the world.

2.Children may develop other senses except smell by_______.

A.playing toys B.smelling flowers

C.going to the theater D.buying some popcorn

3.Why did the author remind the child to smell in a certain way?

A.It was the best way to smell.

B.The child was not old enough yet.

C.The child asked the author to do so.

D.The author dislike the child’s way to smell

4.How did the author feel about the training of smell last weekend?

A.Curious B.Worried

C.Anxious D.Satisfied

