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My father is an office worker. He works nine to five like most of my classmates’ fathers. Like most other fathers, he cares a lot about his children. He cares about my health and how I am doing in school. He never_______ any parents’ meetings in my school, and he shows up at my school sports day for me. Yes, my father is an ordinary(普通的)father just like the others’ fathers.

But_______ most of the others’ fathers, my father does a very different and special thing when he is not at work. My father is a _________  in a local hospital. He helps to take care of the sick people. He is happy to speak with them, listen to them, and _________ read newspapers for them. Sometimes, he will take me with him, and when I’m there, I see that all the patients, doctors and nurses like my father very much. They always ___________ and say hi when they meet him, and some of the _____________  patients even run to him for a hug. This shows how _______________  he is in the hospital.

Besides helping in the hospital, my father also encourages us to take part in community services with him _________ he believes that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those ___________  more. And he always tells us, “To  make ____________ happier,  you should help others.”

I am glad to have a father who’s willing to give and help. I am proud of my father.

1.A.remembers B.misses C.attends D.likes

2.A.like B.unlike C.except D.as

3.A.nurse B.cleaner C.doctor D.volunteer

4.A.still B.ever C.even D.never

5.A.smile B.talk C.shout D.laugh

6.A.older B.sicker C.younger D.healthier

7.A.hardworking B.popular C.polite D.busy

8.A.because B.if C.so D.though

9.A.asking B.doing C.making D.giving

10.A.others B.you C.everyone D.yourself

