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Now in China most children are very lucky. They can ________ their holiday in many different ways. ________ the holiday, parents often take them to many ________ places, like parks, zoos and museums. Some of them even have the chance (机会) to travel in foreign ________,such as France, the US, the UK and Australia. They will meet different people and ________ foreign friends there. ________ holiday is colorful and interesting. ________some other children are not so lucky. They have no money to travel. They even have no time to ________ or play with their friends, because they have to help their parents do a lot of ________. Some families are too poor, so the children can't go to school and begin to ________ to make money.

1.A.take B.bring C.spend D.get

2.A.At B.Before C.After D.During

3.A.sad B.interesting C.easy D.difficult

4.A.cities B.countries C.parks D.schools

5.A.save B.became C.make D.play

6.A.His B.Their C.Her D.Its

7.A.Because B.But C.And D.So

8.A.print B.work C.visit D.change

9.A.housework B.money C.sleep D.litter

10.A.shout B.wave C.work D.celebrate

