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Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

Do you want to be 100 years old? You can learn from the Japanese. There are about 20,000 men and women more than 100 years old in Japan. You may ask, “Why do they _______ so long?Do they have much stress (压力)?” Yes. They often work long hours. And just like in other countries, many people have bad _______ --- they often drink alcohol (喝酒) and they smoke. What’s more, many people don’t get a lot of sleep, and they hardly ever take holidays. So, what is the secret?

Dr. Shibahara, 92, has some ideas. “It’s the diet. The Japanese diet is very _______.” I drink green tea two or three times a day. I eat fish two or three times a week and only sometimes eat meat.

“Exercise is very necessary (有必要的), too,” says Dr. Shibahara. I often _______ a lot. Every day Dr. Shibahara takes the stairs, not the elevator (电梯).

He also spends a lot of time with other people. He takes night classes, goes to the movies with his grandchildren and often _______ with his wife. She is 89! “_______ people die young,” Dr. Shibahara says. “Eat well, walk more, and spend more time with family and friends,” he advises.

1.A.start B.live C.study D.play

2.A.habits B.foods C.magazines D.houses

3.A.big B.delicious C.strange D.healthy

4.A.talk B.eat C.walk D.remember

5.A.runs away B.takes notes C.goes on picnics D.catch thieves

6.A.Lonely B.Happy C.Gentle D.Lovely

