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According to a new survey, now in main big cities of China some schools have started to open an unusual lesson: self-protection. Many students show more interest in it than in other lessons. Unlike other lessons, this lesson has no exam and doesn’t require you to sit at a desk memorizing lots of information. What’s more, the students can learn how to deal with danger.

Here is something we have learnt from the class to help you deal with some dangerous situations.

★If you are robbed

Keep calm if you are not allowed to cry for help or run away. Give the robber your money or what he wants. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police the robbery later on.

★If it is raining hard and there is lightning when you are out

Don’t stay in high places, stay away from trees and find a safe place to stay, such as buildings equipped with lightning protection devices (避雷装置).

★When there is a fire

Put wet things on your body and find an exit as quickly as possible, but don’t take the lift. If you can’t go out, try to prevent the smoke coming in the room and then call 119. Of course, if you are allowed, open the window and shout for help.

Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!

1.Why do students like the self-protection lesson?

①Because there is no test for the students to take.

②Because they can learn how to save themselves.

③Because they can avoid any danger after the lesson.

④Because they needn’t remember much information.

A.①③④ B.①②④ C.②③ D.①②

2.What should you do if someone robs you?

A.You cry for help and fight with him. B.You let the robber go until you call the police.

C.You refuse to give him the money and run away. D.You give what he wants and remember his look.

3.If your house is on fire, you need to ___________.

A.take all that you have and then run away soon B.use dry things to cover your body first

C.try to find an exit and run away quickly D.take the lift and run as soon as possible

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.To tell us how to keep calm when we are in trouble.

B.To introduce an unusual and interesting lesson to us.

C.To tell us what kinds of dangers we may meet with.

D.To tell us what we should do when we are in danger.

