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Have you ever noticed that you feel 1. (happy) and more relaxed after you eat bread,pasta or fruit? Do you find that you are more energetic and awake after eating yogurt or beans? These things are not accidents. Food 2.  (affect) how we feel more than we think. Scientists researching 3. (it) effect on our moods are beginning to understand that we can influence our feelings with what we eat.

Although our moods relate 4. having various food,it is not quite as simple as choosing the food for the right occasions. If that 5.(be) the case,athletes would not eat a lot of carbohydrates before a race.

Another chemical 6.(connect) with our moods is caffeine, 7.is found in coffee, chocolate and many types of tea,and it is perhaps 8. worst thing you can have when you are feeling stressed.

Of course,enjoying a nice meal with friends,whatever we eat,can also impact our spirits. 9.(be) with friends and family plays a big part in experiencing happiness.

Most importantly,though,remember the following old rule:try to eat different food,10. not too much.

