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Rishi Sharma, a young man, is living his life differently. When he was a kid, Sharma was __ by the men who __ World War II. They were lucky to __ bullets (子弹), finally returning home and living a simple life, which interested Sharma very much. Sharma watched many documentaries on WWII and became __ that some of these men were still alive and he could __ them.

One day, Sharma came across the information that Lyle Bouck, a WWII hero, was living quite near his home. __, Sharma looked up the __ and dialed. Soon after, he __ visiting military veterans (退伍军人) in nursing homes.

Since graduation from high school, Sharma has made it his __ to interview as many WWII veterans as he can. Because many of them are in their 80s and 90s, Sharma __ that he has just around 10 years before the veterans of the so-called greatest generation are gone. Therefore, he’s __ everything else in his life — college, dating and hunting a job — to __ himself to this cause.

For each veteran __, Sharma creates a DVD of their stories. These men are known for their stoicism (淡泊) and the __ to discuss what happened during the war. __, with frequent contact with the veterans, they’re finally __ to share their stories.

Sharma tried to meet at least one WWII veteran every day until the last of them __. In May 2016, Sharma founded Heroes of the Second World War, a non-profit organization aiming to __ the stories of WWII veterans. He also launched a GoFundMe page which has __ in more than $186,000 up to now. Sharma uses that money to pay for his travel and __ equipment. He hopes to collect as many stories as he can — for their sakes, and for ours.

1.A.adopted B.selected C.attracted D.trained

2.A.looked into B.ran into C.commented on D.fought in

3.A.shoot B.escape C.load D.remove

4.A.aware B.worried C.shocked D.grateful

5.A.consult B.encourage C.visit D.praise

6.A.Eventually B.Immediately C.Suddenly D.Naturally

7.A.number B.file C.address D.schedule

8.A.imagined B.considered C.denied D.began

9.A.lesson B.duty C.profession D.challenge

10.A.argues B.declares C.hopes D.figures

11.A.putting off B.searching for C.giving away D.preparing for

12.A.introduce B.refer C.recommend D.devote

13.A.helped B.admired C.interviewed D.appointed

14.A.intention B.curiosity C.refusal D.anxiety

15.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Besides

16.A.satisfied B.willing C.afraid D.confident

17.A.showed up B.set off C.got away D.passed away

18.A.sell B.design C.preserve D.assess

19.A.turned B.brought C.broken D.taken

20.A.video B.office C.research D.computer

