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Jiuzhaigou Valley lies in Aba, north of Sichuan Province in China. There 1. (be) snow-capped mountain peaks, forest, lakes, and 2. (vary) birds and animals, all contributing 3. the unique view of Jiuzhaigou Valley. Upon 4. (enter) the popular holiday center, you will find 5. (you) walking in a fairyland, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. Jiuzhaigou Valley is a world of water. Water brings Jiuzhaigou Valley its most delightful views, 6. is the soul of the place. 7. (attract) by the charming sights so much, you will certainly stay here for a long time with no thoughts for home.

The lakes 8. (call) “Haizi” by the local people of Jiuzhaigou Valley, meaning “little sea” in Chinese. Jiuzhaigou Valley has 9. total of 108 “Haizis” of different sizes and shapes. Some of the lakes ate hidden in the valleys, and others lie in the virgin(原始的) forests.

With a 10. (high) of 2,000 to 3,000 meters above the sea level, the sea enjoys a favorable climate that is cool in summer while not affected by the cold wind of the winter season, presenting the beautiful scenery all year around.

