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What kind of amusing activities will you participate in during your life? Will you be spending your free time doing safe sports with little danger or will you always be one of the first people to try the next popular extreme activity? Scientists have been interested in finding out why some people seem to prefer dangerous activities.

Although there are exceptions, researchers have found that in most cases men are less cautious than women. Men often try to impress women by proving that they are courageous and fearless, and they are more likely to take risks when women are watching them or when they are competing against other men.

Research also shows that as people get older they usually behave more responsibly and avoid taking unnecessary risks. In addition, when people are in stable relationships, they seem to be less attracted to daring activities.

Some people seem to be more daring than others, but there are many different types of risks and some people take one type of risk, but not another Psychologists have identified a number of categories of risk. These include financial risks, risks related to health and safety, amusing risks and social risks. Psychologists discover that some people will take risks in one area, but not in another. Just if a person enjoys bungee (蹦极) jumping, it doesn't mean he or she will take chances when investing (投资) money or that he will tell a joke to a group of strangers.

Interestingly, research shows that women take more social risks than men. They are more likely to make career changes as they get older and to express unpopular opinions in business meetings.

Yet, at the end of the day, the likelihood of particular people taking a risk depends on their personalities. In general, optimistic people are more likely to take risks because they focus on the possible positive outcomes of their actions. On the other hand, those with opposite personality are much more likely to avoid taking a chance.

1.What have researchers discovered about women?

A.They are always changing jobs. B.They are good at doing business.

C.They are more willing to take risks. D.They are more conservative than men.

2.Why do men try to prove they are brave?

A.To attract women to watch them. B.To have favorable effects on women.

C.To announce risks are too dangerous. D.To show their strength to the competitor.

3.What mainly determine whether people take risks possibly?

A.The potential consequences. B.Their characters.

C.Their problems of finance. D.The focuses of their work.

4.What is the text mainly talking about?

A.People's sense of taking risks. B.Risks at people's different ages.

C.Different types of people's risks. D.Risks between men and women.

