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One day, a fire broke out in a forest where there lived a lot of animals.The wind was blowing so 1.(strong)that the forest was engulfed(吞没)by the wild fire.

Feeling afraid, the animals tried to run out of the forest. As they came to a river, they stopped 2.(watch)the fire.They all felt very upset about3.(lose)their homes.However,everyone thought there was nothing they could do about the fire4.one little bird.

This bird thought that he could do something. He flew to the river, 5.(pick)up a few drops of water,flew back to the forest and put6.(they)back to the river and did it again. Some of the animals shouted, “It’s no use.The fire is too big and you are too little.” Others shouted, “It’s 7.(possible)for you to put out the fire. And your wings might get burned.” Some animals even laughed at the bird.

The bird looked back and said,“I am doing8.I can”, A sudden silence fell. Then there was9.voice,“The bird is right.Every little bit 10.(help).Let's pull together and save our homes.” Hearing this, all the animals started to take action.

