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Henry has recently received a letter from Paul, his pen-friend living in Canada. Here is the letter:

Dear Henry,

Thanks very much for your email, which I want to reply to for ages.

I have finished all my exams. The last one was History. It's extremely horrible because our teacher set a lot of long questions but only a few multiple choice items. I think this subject is difficult because there're lots of facts and dates to remember. I've got a poor memory and I hate to remember things. I'm afraid I won't pass the examination.

So this is the end of Year 8, my second year at secondary school. I did eight subjects in total. The worst were History and French. I find them very boring and difficult to learn. I've already forgotten most of the things I was taught! I need to study hard next year.

I liked Geography best this year, but we only had it twice a week. Our Geography teacher, Mr. Hill, is great. He taught the subject very well. He didn't like to spoon-feed students with lots of facts. He preferred to let us learn independently. He didn't give us any homework the whole year. Perhaps he hated doing homework when he's a student!

We did a project with Mr. Hill about several countries in Europe and Asia. Some of my friends went to the library for photos and I used the internet to search for appropriate information. Mr. Hill gave us a lot of valuable advice. At the end of the term, we gave an oral presentation in front of the class. I'd like to be a pilot, then I could travel and see all those places.

I'm going to visit Tokyo with my three classmates next month. We won't stay in a hotel because my uncle has a large house there. You visited ·Tokyo last year, didn't you? Do you think we need to learn some Japanese before our journey? You've told me that Japanese food is delicious, haven't you? We'll have the opportunity to try it ourselves soon! I've saved money for the journey for nearly half a year. We're all very excited about it.

Please tell me about your year at school. Were your exams easy?

Best wishes,


1.Henry last communicated with Paul ________ .

A.yesterday B.a long time ago C.not long ago D.just before Paul's examination

2.The underlined word "horrible" in Line 4 probably means ________ .

A.terrible B.wonderful C.surprising D.ugly

3.From the passage, we know that Paul ________.

A.could remember things well B.liked to remember facts and dates

C.did badly in his History exam D.preferred to answer long questions

4.Paul probably ________.

A.wanted to have more Geography lessons

B.didn't want to learn independently

C.hated doing his homework

D.wanted Mr. Hill to give them some homework

5.Paul wanted to be a pilot because ________.

A.Geography was his favorite subject B.Mr. Hill was a good teacher

C.he wanted to visit other places D.Mr. Hill advised him to become a pilot

6.Which of the following statement is probably right?

A.Paul would visit Tokyo to visit his uncle.

B.Paul would visit Tokyo because Henry advised him to do so

C.Paul would stay in his uncle's house alone.

D.Paul together with his three classmates would stay in his uncle's large house.

