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Green is the Way to Go

Today, communities(社区)around the US are going green. For some, that means paying attention to the environment by recycling or controlling pollution. But others are turning their neighborhoods green by planting community gardens.

Green Brings Benefits

A growing number of government and community leaders point out that gardening is a great way to improve the appearance of a neighborhood. It also unites neighborhood residents(居民). Research at Texas A&M University and the University of Illinois shows that city areas with more green have less crime.

One Neighborhood's Story

Norris Square in Philadelphia is a neighborhood that has benefits from a community garden. In the 1980s, Norris Square was known for its run-down buildings and vacant parking lots filled with rubbish. Then a group of Puerto Rican women planted vegetables and flowers in one vacant lot. Soon there was also an outdoor kitchen and colorful murals showing rural life in Puerto Rico.

The community garden became a place of beauty and a source of fresh food for Norris Square residents. It also became a source of neighborhood pride. Soon people were working together to do home repairs, clean up other vacant lots, remove graffiti, and plant more trees and flowers throughout the neighborhood.

Today, instead of fights in the park, there are festivals. Instead of abandoned cars along the streets, there are trees. People can now enjoy a neighborhood that is cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.

Plant Your Own Seeds

If you want to start a community garden in your area, you can get information from the Community Gardening Association at www. communitygarden. org.

1.How are other people turning their neighborhoods green?

2.What benefits does green bring?

3.When was Norris Square known for its run-down building?

4.What is Norris Square like now?

5.Where can you get information if you want to start a community garden in your area?

